The history of Armenia is a unique world treasury full of great civilizations' chronicles, biographies of legendary people, dramatic moments connected with formation of Christianity. Armenia repeatedly suffered from conquerors; time and again it seemed that the name of Armenia was erased from the map forever. But Armenian people have survived and defended their existence in fierce battles.
Thirty thousand square kilometers which are occupied today by Republic of Armenia make up only a tiny part, less than one tenth of that huge historical Armenia, whose chronicles are a separate chapter in the world's history and culture.
Armenian uplands were on the way of major trading and military routes of the Ancient world connecting the East and the West. Such a beneficial position of Armenia was always envied by numerous conquerors. Therefore, the borders of Ancient Armenia were exposed to frequent changes, and Armenians had to move to new lands. That is why the history of Armenia is rich and infinite. But the most important events are as follows…
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